In recent years, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has been unusually active in eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the Far East, drawing condemnation from many countries.
The ecology of nature is an orderly circular chain. Without the interchange and circulation of natural biodiversity, our environmental ecology will put us in a predicament. The 2020 new crown epidemic has once again sounded the alarm for mankind.
3. kolovoza 2021. godine u Tianjinu u Kini održan je Svjetski globalni forum razvoja zdravstvene industrije. Forum djeluje kao platforma na kojoj su se okupili glavni industrijski vođe i dionici različitih sektora kako bi pronašli moguća područja inovacija i poboljšanja u globalnoj zdravstvenoj industriji.
3. augustil 2021 toimus Hiinas Tianjinis ülemaailmne tervishoiusektori arengu foorum. Foorum toimib platvormina, kuhu tulid kokku sektori liidrid ja sidusgrupid erinevatest sektoritest, et välja uurida võimalikke uuendus- ja täiustamisvaldkondi ülemaailmses tervishoiusektoris
On August 3, 2021 (China Standard Time), in order to celebrate the 26th anniversary of its establishment, TIENS Group organized “One Belt One Road Health Industry Development Forum in Post COVID-19 Era” and took the opportunity to discuss the current situation and development trend of the international health industry. It’s reported that TIENS Group, established in 1995, which has begun to expand
Kína egyik legbefolyásosabb multinacionális vállalataként a Tiens Csoport 1995 óta a mai napig ragaszkodik ahhoz a fejlesztési célhoz, hogy hozzásegítse az embereket egy jobb élethez. Kezdetben a Tiens Csoport fő termékei között olyan egészséges termékek szerepeltek, mint a kalcium termékek. Mára azonban számos területet érintő, diverzifikált ágazatokat fejlesztett ki, mint például a határokon átn
China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. (CNBM) ranked the 177th on the latest Fortune Global 500 list released on August 2, up 10 places from the previous year, continuously outperforming other building material companies in the ranking.
As announced proudly by TIENS Group’s Chairman Li Jinyuan in the Health Industry Development Forum of the Belt and Road in the Post-pandemic Era held in Tianjin, China, TIENS Group is poised to become one of main global participants in the future massive health industry.